Sunday, November 25, 2007

More of the Same?

It seems so sad that we are looking to the Democratic Party for change. We have suffered years of devastation under the tyrannical Bush Regime, and now that the country and middle class have been brought to its knees we need real leadership to get our nation strong again. Unfortunately, all we have to choose from is more of the same.

Many people took to the voting booths last November filled with hope that voting in the opposition party would bring about change, but it didn't. So many women were excited at the idea of Nancy Pelosi as the first female Speaker of the House. American feminists were hoping that a strong female would stand up to the Bush Regime, but women were sorely disappointed. The Democrats have caved into the Bush Regime and aided his cause as much as the Republicans that proceeded them.

We now have a pool of candidates from the opposition party, but the opposition has failed to oppose. Instead of inspiration we find a front runner (i.e. Hillary Clinton) who has taken money from every multinational corporation that is willing to write a check. In fact, her front runner status seems to be quite suspect. Is she really doing well in the polls, or is the media calling her the front runner and championing her campaign as a payback to her husband for the sweeping deregulation he passed during his presidency? Corporations gained a tremendous amount of control over our freedom of the press, because of Bill Clinton, so maybe they feel that promoting his wife is the best way to ensure another cooperative administration.

The only real opposition lies in Dennis Kucinich, but he has already been labeled as an unrealistic radical. Either way, it will be interesting to see how much suffering the American people will endure before they finally decide to use their power to make real change.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Stealing from Our Pockets and Communities

The current regime that controls our “democracy” has little concern for you if you are poor or middle class. We have seen commentators like Lou Dobbs discuss ad nausea the “war on the middle class”. We have watched family after family plunge into debt, not by flaunting an extravagant lifestyle, but simply for wanting a decent home to live in where their children can attend a good school.

The days of the one income household are over, despite cries from Christian Republicans and Dominionists that the American family is deteriorating. While they have tried to blame the destruction of the family unit on Mom’s feminist workplace ambitions, the truth is that the same group demonizing two income households are the ones who have consistently elected officials who refuse to give tax breaks to working parents, and have waged a class war on the American public.

The goal of the current regime and their backers is to roll back nearly 75 years of progress to a pre-New Deal status when there were two classes of society: the very rich minority and the vast majority of desperately poor. Manufacturing and other blue collar industries have been moved overseas, several positions that bordered between blue collar and white collar have gone to cheaper labor forces in Asia, as well, and even coveted white collar staples such as engineering and architecture have seen lower levels of work farmed out to firms in other countries. Jobs that college graduates used to perform to get their feet wet in an industry no longer exist. The blue collar jobs have been replaced by low-paying service industry positions which are often void of benefits and have little to no union representation.

Instead of protecting Americans who are willing to work, the government has increasingly punished the average citizen for not being rich. While they wage a war in Iraq paid for through taxes that take food away from our families, their war profiteering corporations continue to receive the tax breaks. In 2008, the wealthiest 20% of Americans will receive $143 billion in tax cuts. The top 5% of wealthiest Americans will receive 44% of the overall tax cuts.

How will the government afford to give its friends such generous tax breaks? By cutting domestic programs to bare bones levels. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, this act alone should warrant charges of treason. $13 billion will be cut from non-security related programs, or programs that corporations like BlackWater and Halliburton can’t profit from. However, war spending will reach $647.2 billion by 2008. This year alone, Community Development grants will be cut by 35%, Head Start programs will be cut by half a million, Low-Income Energy Assistance programs will be cut by a whopping 42%, Special Education will be cut by over $600,000, and Child Care & Development Block Grants will be cut by 5%.

Americans are slaving for wages that barely make it possible to achieve a middle class lifestyle, so that we can pay for rich people to get richer and war contractors to make multi-millions on their bottom lines. Despite our hard work, the government has rewarded us by letting our communities suffer, cutting programs that positively effect children, including retarded children who are the most vulnerable in our society, and has cut deeply into a vital program to help the poor. I work hard to better my community and provide for my family, not to hand wealthy people more money and pay for the murder of thousands in the goal of privatizing oil fields. Neither should you!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Fascism By Any Other Name...

It seems very ironic that in their current state of near absolute power, the Grand Ol' Party (i.e. neoconservatives) have tossed around the buzzword "fascists" to describe extremist Islamic groups hell bent on killing Americans like a sack full of worker pension funds. The first time I heard Resident Bush refer to the Iranian president as the head of an "Islamic fascist" government, I was perplexed, because I knew at that very moment on Iranian television, that president was probably referring to Bush as the head of an "American fascist" government. The thing that troubles me is that both of these mindless wonders are correct.

After studying the Hitler, Mussolini, Suharto, Franco, and Pinochet governments, Dr. Laurence Britt, a noted political scientist, wrote an article on fascism in which he identified 14 defining common characteristics. The scary thing is that the tactics used by Islamic extremists and the GOP fit into Dr. Britt's 14 points with terrifying equality.

1. Powerful and Continuing Expressions of Nationalism - The news (especially Fox News) can't show us Americans enough footage of the Iranian president, the leader of Hezbollah, and other Islamic wingnuts going off Hitler-style in front of a crowd of screaming minions. On the flip side, images of the Towers smoking in their first few minutes of destruction have almost become a "must have" for any neocon website, and nearly all right-wing radio stations have taken to playing the National Anthem every hour on the hour.

2. Disdain for the Importance of Human Rights - Islamic extremists will gladly trade human life for 72 virgins in heaven and martyred glory. American neocons will gladly trade human life for millions of dollars in oil revenue and no-bid rebuilding contracts.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - Without the words “Israel” and “Liberals” the fascists on both sides would be rendered mute, which would be a blessing. Think about it, the leader of Hamas duct taped to the same chair as Ann Coulter, both wearing S&M ball gags. It's a beautiful thought.

4. The Supremacy of the Military/Avid Militarism - This is such a disturbing aspect to me, because both groups are willing to let the welfare of their people suffer in order to arm. Look what Hezbollah did to Lebanon, and the U.S. is no better. We have spent over $465 billion on the war with Iraq, while 48 million American citizens go uninsured.

5. Rampant Sexism - Headscarves, female circumcision, inability to divorce, yeah, even the mainstream Muslims have explaining to do on this one. In the U.S. we get the polar opposite; we have convinced young women that taking control of their sexuality means slutting it up and hanging it out whenever and where ever you can, while at the same time passing laws that restrict reproductive rights and access to contraceptives. Isn't it sad that the Taliban is more straight-forward on their extremist sexist attitudes then we are!

6. A Controlled Mass Media - Between Al Jazeera and Rupert Murdoch we're all fucked on this one.

7. Obsession with National Security - It's only a matter of time before they ask you to turn your head and cough before boarding a flight. By the way, are we still on red alert or is it orange this week? Not so quick Islamic extremists, when was the last time you let a journalist stroll through your streets without giving a guided tour at gunpoint? That's what I thought.

8. Religion and Ruling Elite Tied Together - When you can use the excuse, "because G-d said so" to explain your way out of killing your enemy and starving your own people, then G-d is the last thing on your mind. Religion and government should stay as far away from each other as Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie at an “All You Can Eat” buffet.

9. Power of Corporations Protected – Osama bin Laden constantly rips on Western culture as evil, yet he doesn’t mind cashing the check for interest money paid from U.S. and European investments. Without the abundance of corporate oil money, Islamic extremists would be relegated to throwing rocks off the backs of fast moving camels. Fortunately, even Islamic extremist governments know the value of corporate investment, and protect it well. In the U.S., we've totally sold our democracy out on this one. Our country is owned by a string of corporations all of which have purchased our government bit by bit to the point where there is very little lawmaking that will not benefit a corporation in some way.

10. Power of Labor Suppressed or Eliminated - Although every political candidate wants the blessing of the AFL-CIO at this point, it's just a publicity stunt. Corporations have moved so many jobs overseas, and with the popularity of the "right to work" laws passing in most states during the Reaganomics Era the workforce's ability to play a major role in influencing the power structure no longer exists. On the other side of the world, the Islamic extremist governments have such tight controls on their population that any rallies not sanctioned by the ruling powers are quashed including worker demonstrations.

11. Disdain and Suppression of Intellectuals and the Arts - Have you seen the latest budget for the National Endowment of the Arts? It's disappearing quicker than the funds for music and art programs in public schools. The only thing vanishing at a more rapid pace than the art ed. money in the U.S. is the guy who drew those Prophet Mohammed cartoons for that paper in Denmark. By the way, is Salman Rushdie's phone number still unlisted?

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - In Iran they use a knife to cut off your hand for stealing, in the U.S. they splash your face all over the media so that when you are released you have to go under the knife and get plastic surgery in order to resume your life.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Without cronyism would Bush even have an administration? Without corruption would the Hamas or Saudi governments be able to operate?

14. Fraudulent Elections - I'm still drinking Pepto every time the memory of the 2000 election comes to mind. Oy Vey! It's funny to me that the president who is so hell bent on spreading democracy in the Middle East is the same guy who completely usurped our own democracy in his rise to power. As for the Islamic extremist elections, when you automatically nix more than half of your population's right to vote (i.e. women) then your election is fraudulent from the get go.

If I were the neocons the first thing I'd do is seriously consider suicide as a favor to society, but beyond that, I'd maybe rethink the whole idea of throwing around the term "fascism". When there are this many obvious connections in our own government, then we can't condemn others for employing the same tactics. No one is automatically evil, because they don't like the U.S. and good, because they do. Stalin was our ally during World War II and while he was smiling at President Truman in leadership meetings, his thugs were participating in the systematic murder of 20 million Russians.

Choosing your friends and knowing your enemies on the political world stage is never easy, but calling into question someone else's housekeeping abilities while your own place looks like a pigsty is just plain hypocritical.

Monday, April 16, 2007

How to Buy an American President

Years from now history books will speak of this time in American politics. The sentence addressing this particular moment may begin as such: 'The downfall of democracy in the United States can be traced to the levels of corruption in the financing of elections.'

The McCain-Feingold bill addressing campaign finance reform in 2002 was a start, but it seems to be too little too late. As our country dives into the 2008 presidential election, we are already being inundated with glowing reports from the corporate media about how much money the frontrunners in each party are raising for their presidential bid.

To date, with only three months of fundraising, the top three Democrat and Republican candidates have raised a combined total of over $129 million. Here is the breakdown:
  • Mitt Romney - $23,434,634
  • Rudy Giuliani - $16,623,410
  • John McCain - $13,087,559
  • Hillary Clinton - $36,054,568
  • Barack Obama - $25,797,721
  • John Edwards - $14,031,662
The bulk of the money given to all the above candidates was done through individual contributions, which are supposed to be limited. However, there are ways to get around these limits such as having a husband give the maximum, then having a wife give an equal sum. The second biggest contributors to these campaigns are political action committees. PACs used to serve as a means for a group of citizens to get the attention of lawmakers. The American Association of Retired People, for example, was instrumental in bringing attention to issues of concern to our society's elderly. Unfortunately, what was once a method for concerned citizens to get the attention of elected leadership has now become a vehicle for corporate payola.

Individual Contributions

The 2008 presidential candidates have yet to release the names of individual contributors to their campaigns, but judging from previous years, telecommunications, banking, securities, and investment corporations will be front and center to purchase our next president. Principles from Time Warner, Vivendi, Microsoft, Walt Disney Corporation, BellSouth, and MCI, Inc. have dominated the list of individual donors giving over $50,000+ in a year. While principles from other industries such as banking, insurance, tobacco, alcohol, investments, pharmaceuticals, energy, transportation, and firearms are not too far behind.

PAC Facts

Real estate has been the backbone of the economy for the past six years. While interest rates were low and sub prime lenders ruled the roost, people were able to make money by flipping houses making even the tiniest of dwellings go for astronomical prices. This was exactly what real estate special interests paid candidates to do. Out of the Top 20 PACs who funded campaigns in 2005-2006, four were from the banking and real estate industries. The National Association of Realtors topped the list with a total of over $3.7 million to candidates. Four more of the Top 20 PACs were trade workers associations that specialize in building and construction.

Three of the Top 20 PACs were auto industry related, which makes a lot of sense when looking at our government's reluctance to introduce emissions standards legislation, and their casual lip service to blatant denial of global warming. The automotive industry, alone, contributed over $5.6 million to federal candidates in 2005/2006.

What Can One Do?

Much like a child sneaking a snack before dinner when they think mom isn't looking, politicians will try to get away with as much as possible. They think the citizens of the U.S. are too caught up in Anna Nicole's baby daddy or obsessed with which skinny starlet is appearing in public sans panties to care that the same major media corporations that have downsized our freedom of information by consolidating our media outlets are the ones slipping the big checks to the candidates.

Awareness is key, as is the need for grassroots political pressure. The little one won't be as blatant going for the cookie jar if they think mama is looking out of the corner of her eye. Become your lawmaker's biggest pest by writing emails and demanding change. Keep your awareness fresh by regularly checking up with the sites listed on this blogroll. Talk about this issue with your friends, and be open to the idea that neither the Democrats nor Republicans are looking out for you. Both parties have become entrenched in the Washington D.C. powertrip culture, and are completely out of touch with the average American. These parties are no longer willing to put the needs of their citizens above their own lust for money and control, and therefore they both no longer represent the will of the people.

Last November, citizens of this country untied to send a clear message that this war of imperialist aggression in Iraq was not something the citizenry wanted to finance. We no longer wanted to stand by and watch over 10,000 of our young people coming home with missing limbs and extensive psychological damage. We didn't want any more of our brave soldiers flown home in body bags, and we didn't want to bankrupt our children's future by pouring billions into a war machine dedicated to privatizing the Iraqi oil fields. We wanted the opposition party to come in and tell the current regime that the people were no longer going to stand by while they pursued an agenda of blatant self interest, and instead of adhering to our will, the Democrats have given Bush war funding above and beyond what he requested, and have taken impeachment off the table. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans represent the will of the people; therefore it is time to organize and pursue a true democracy with controls on the renegade capitalist ideals that have destroyed the very foundations this country was built on.

Every major change in our society has come through grassroots citizen's movements, and they work. We got out of Vietnam, secured voting rights for women, fought for civil rights, and are currently pressing the Bush Regime to leave Iraq. We love our country, but we hate our government, so now is the time to stand up, speak out, and do something about it. No more presidents for sale, no more capitalist regime, no more funding imperialist wars, and nor more Democrats or Republicans!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Would Your Family Do With $4,100?

Would you like to take a Disney Cruise? Maybe spend a week with the family in one of those all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean? Perhaps you would like to work a few less hours, and just be able to relax at night and play a healthy game of Chutes & Ladders with the kids. How would an extra $4,100 be spent in your family's home?

Unfortunately, every family in the U.S. won't have the luxury of spending that $4,100 per year, because Congress and the Bush Administration has done it for us. The total spent for the Iraq War to date is $465 billion, which translates into $4,100 per family based on the U.S. Census' 2005 average number of households in the U.S.

If you would like a further breakdown of how much war money your community, city or state is spending, check out:

Remember, the next time a big pothole nearly takes out the front end of your car, the money that could have been used to repair went into a fund to kill Iraqis and make private war contractors rich.